About Me

Hello! I am a Cyber Technical Associate at Capital One and recent graduate from the Olin College of Engineering. I’m passionate about cybersecurity, embedded systems, and data science/AI applications.
Below is a collection of my project work, documenting my breadth and experience in these fields. For more information about my work experience, please view my CV.
- A Guide to Static Malware Analysis, a tutorial for people familiar with reverse engineering to get started with analyzing malware and creating effective YARA rules.
- Refreshable Braille Display, an integrated mechanical system that produces legible braille from screen input. Code written in C and Python.
- Reverse Engineering with Ghidra, a resource for people new to reverse engineering with some practice exercises included.
- LC-3 Virtual Machine, a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) written in C that can run .obj files on Linux/Unix systems.
- Connect4cks, an AI that competitively plays Connect 4 using MiniMax with alpha-beta pruning.
- Stem Splitter AI, an LSTM-based machine learning model designed to split audio tracks into two parts, instrumentation and vocals.
- CPU to GPU Communication, a resource explaining the architectural differences between the CPU and GPU, the hardware and software support of CUDA, and how GPGPU computing works (for a machine learning workload).
- Making Music from Movement, an algorithm that converts movement from an accelerometer into unique music via DFTs and music theory.
- Facial Recognition with PCA + K-Nearest Neighbors, a facial recognition algorithm that detects one’s age, race, and gender using principal component analysis, eigenvalue decomposition, and a K-nearest neighbors search.